Re: Re: Clients IP vs RBLs

От: Peter Didenko <CGatePro_at_mx_ru>
Дата: Wed 17 Dec 2003 - 12:20:16 MSK

    Добрый день,

>> А как иначе? Это же Ваши пользователи, которым Вы полностью доверяете.

>Это теоритически мы им доверяем, а когда динамика подключения и
>переключения клиентов составляет
>десятки в день, то на практике получается все гораздо хуже.

    А Вы отвечайте на жалобы как американцы:

Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 14:16:03 +0200

> This is an abuse notice meaning that one of your machines might
> be infected with a virus and is trying to infect other machines.
> See for more information
We don't care, the major issue is that we don't want to receive this kind of mail, because we're a large ISP and we have no control about our multiple clients and their Windows systems. Your mail was annoying, so we simply filtered it out. We know that many of them are infected even if we don't receive your mail. --- :) --- Peter Didenko, Zenon N.S.P. +7 095 956 4035, +7 812 326 4468
Получено Wed Dec 17 09:20:17 2003

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