Re: Re: [*] CommuniGate Pro 4.3c1 is released

От: Dmitry Akindinov <CGatePro_at_mx_ru>
Дата: Tue 08 Feb 2005 - 14:41:10 MSK

Hello, on 08.02.2005 08:39, Boris Tyshkiewitch at wrote:

> Technical Support wrote:

>> * Security: the Impersonate Login feature has been implemented (for PLAIN
>> and GSSAPI login methods).

> Impersonating
> The CommuniGate Pro Server supports impersonating - a login mode
> when the credentials are supplied for one Account (the
> Authentication Account), while a different Account (the
> Authorisation Account) is being opened.
> Impersonating is supported for PLAN and GSSAPI Authentication methods.
> When Impersonating is used, the Server checks if the authentication
> Account credentials are valid, and if the requested service is
> allowed for that Account. It also checks if the Authentication
> Account has the CanImpersonate Domain access right
> <>.
> Как этим пользоваться скажем в случае PLAIN? Куда вписывать
> Authentication Account, Authorisation Account, password?

RFC2595: 6. PLAIN SASL mechanism

   Clear-text passwords are simple, interoperate with almost all    existing operating system authentication databases, and are useful    for a smooth transition to a more secure password-based    authentication mechanism. The drawback is that they are unacceptable    for use over an unencrypted network connection.

   This defines the "PLAIN" SASL mechanism for use with ACAP and other    protocols with no clear-text login command. The PLAIN SASL mechanism    MUST NOT be advertised or used unless a strong encryption layer (such    as the provided by TLS) is active or backwards compatibility dictates    otherwise.

   The mechanism consists of a single message from the client to the    server. The client sends the authorization identity (identity to    login as), followed by a US-ASCII NUL character, followed by the    authentication identity (identity whose password will be used),    followed by a US-ASCII NUL character, followed by the clear-text    password. The client may leave the authorization identity empty to    indicate that it is the same as the authentication identity. []

Best regards,
Dmitry Akindinov -- Stalker Labs
Получено Tue Feb 08 11:41:13 2005

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