Hello Vladimir,
Friday, July 2, 2004, 8:52:47 AM, you wrote:
VAB> Что значит "не понимает"? Ему выдали ответ 451, он этот ответ и отработал - VAB> отложил передачу сообщения, а если у него истекло время висения в очереди - VAB> то выбросил сообщение с этим кодом ошибки.
Насколько я понимаю, он должен перебрать остальные mx-еры.
5.3.4 Reliable Mail Transmission
To transmit a message, a sender-SMTP determines the IP address of the target host from the destination address in the envelope. Specifically, it maps the string to the right of the "@" sign into an IP address. This mapping or the transfer itself may fail with a soft error, in which case the senderSMTP will requeue the outgoing mail for a later retry, as required in Section
When it succeeds, the mapping can result in a list of alternative delivery addresses rather than a single address, because of (a) multiple MX records, (b) multihoming, or both. To provide reliable mail transmission, the sender-SMTP MUST be able to try (and retry) each of the addresses in this list in order, until a delivery attempt succeeds.
1.6. SMTP Return Codes
However, 4xx Temporary Errors may have unexpected interaction with MX-records. If the receiving domain has several MX records and the lowest preference MX-host refuses to receive mail with a "451" Response Code, the sending host may choose to - and often will - use the next host on the MX list. Получено Fri Jul 02 08:51:15 2004
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