Найденные ошибки приветствуются.
Суть сервиса:
Люди звонят по определенному номеру голосовой комнаты, представляются и
попадают в конференцию, после чего разговаривают между собой.
Из минусов - нет приватности и доступ снаружи лучше не давать. Из плюсов
- проще уже некуда и есть шанс что люди с гуманитарным или бизнесовым
складом ума смогут воспользоваться сервисом.
Есть кое-какое управление во время разговора. Оно нехитрое и, думаю,
понятно из кода.
Комнаты вызываются из роутера записями вида:
n:s:<2801@*> = svkconferenceroom{000001}#pbx@tn.arm.ru n:s:<2802@*> = svkconferenceroom{000002}#pbx@tn.arm.ru n:s:<2803@*> = svkconferenceroom{000003}#pbx@tn.arm.ru
Собственно, файл svkconferenceroom.sppr:
entry Main is
if AcceptCall () != null then stop; end if;
thePassword = Vars().startParameter[0];
parameter = NewDictionary ();
parameter.isOpen = true;
void (CreateMeeting (null, thePassword, parameter));
isNew = true;
PlayFile ("ConferenceEntry");
if ActivateMeeting (null, thePassword) != null then
isNew = false;
meetingInfo = FindMeeting (null, thePassword);
if meetingInfo != null then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "getPartyIntros", null));
input = readInput (30);
if IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "partyIntros" then
PlayFile ("ConferenceMembers");
index = 0;
while index < length (input.parameter)
playSine (2000, 50);
Play (input.parameter.(input.parameter[index]));
index = index + 1;
end loop;
playSine (2000, 500);
end if;
end if;
PlayFile ("ConnectingNow");
end if;
if RemoteAuthentication () != null then
Intro = ReadSiteFile ("~" + RemoteAuthentication () + "/myname.wav"); end if;
if Intro == null then
PlayFile ("IntroduceYourself"); PlayFile ("FinishByPound"); PlayFile ("RecordingBeep");
ClearDTMF ();
// playMenu ("ToMuteYourLine", "*6"); // playMenu ("ToUnmute", "*7"); // playMenu ("ToDisconnect", "#");
PlayFile ("JoiningConference");
if !isNew then
meetingInfo = FindMeeting (null, thePassword); if meetingInfo != null then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "partyName", Intro)); void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "partyAddr", SIPURIToEmail (RemoteURI ())));
if StartBridge (meetingInfo.id) != null then
PlayFile ("Failure");
end if;
input = readInput (30);
if input == "*" then
input = readInput (5);
if input == null then input = "*";
elif IsDigit (input) then input = "*" + input;
end if;
end if;
exitif input != null and then (input == "#" or not IsString (input));
if input == "*5" then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "playPartyList", null)); elif input == "*6" then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "mute", true)); elif input == "*7" then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "mute", false)); end if;
end loop;
if IsDisconnectEvent (input) then return; end if;
if not IsBreakBridgeEvent (input) then void (BreakBridge()); end if;
PlayFile ("DisconnectedConference");
PlayFile ("Failure");
end if;
meetingInfo = FindMeeting (null, thePassword); if meetingInfo != null then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "partyName", Intro)); void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "partyAddr", SIPURIToEmail (RemoteURI ())));
playBeeps = false;
playMusic = true;
partyIntros = NewDictionary ();
partyAddrs = NewDictionary ();
if playMusic then
PlayFileInLoop ("HoldMusic", 300000);
input = ReadInput (0);
input = ReadInput (60);
end if;
if input == "*" then
input = ReadInput (10);
if IsString (input) then input = "*" + input; end if;
end if;
exitif IsDisconnectEvent (input) or else input == "#";
if IsStartBridgeEvent (input) then
if AttachMixer (input) == null then
ClearDTMF (); Play (partyIntros.(String (input.sender))); PlayFile ("JoinedConference");
playMusic = false;
partyIntros.(String (input.sender)) = null; partyAddrs.(String (input.sender)) = null;end if;
elif IsBreakBridgeEvent (input) then
ClearDTMF (); Play (partyIntros.(String (input.sender))); PlayFile ("LeftConference");
partyIntros.(String (input.sender)) = null; partyAddrs.(String (input.sender)) = null; if Length (partyIntros) <= 1 then playMusic = true; end if;
elif IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "partyName" then
partyIntros.(String (input.sender)) = input.parameter;
elif IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "partyAddr" then
partyAddrs.(String (input.sender)) = input.parameter;
elif IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "getPartyList" then
void (SendEvent (input.sender, "partyList", ObjectToString (partyAddrs)));
elif IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "getPartyIntros" then
void (SendEvent (input.sender, "partyIntros", partyIntros));
elif IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "playPartyList" then
PlayFile ("ConferenceMembers");
index = 0;
while index < length (partyIntros)
playSine (2000, 50);
Play (partyIntros.(partyIntros[index]));
index = index + 1;
end loop;
playSine (2000, 500);
elif IsDictionary (input) and then input.what == "mute" then
muteMixer (input.sender, input.parameter);
elif IsDictionary (input) then
SysLog ("unexpected event: " + input.what);
elif input == "*1" then
void (MixerThreshold ((MixerThreshold (null) + 3) * 3 / 2));
elif input == "*2" then
void (MixerThreshold (MixerThreshold (null) * 2 / 3));
elif input == "*3" then
void (MixerDelay (MixerDelay (null) + 50));
elif input == "*4" then
void (MixerDelay (MixerDelay (null) - 50));
elif input == "*5" then
void (SendEvent (meetingInfo.id, "playPartyList", null));
elif input == "*6" then
MuteMixer (null, true);
elif input == "*7" then
MuteMixer (null, false);
elif input == "*8" then
playMusic = not playMusic;
elif input == "*9" then
playBeeps = not playBeeps;
elif input == null then
if playBeeps then playSine (3000, 200); end if;
playSine (300,100); playSine (500,100);
end if;
end loop;
void (DetachMixer (null));
void (DeactivateMeeting (null, thePassword));
PlayFile ("DisconnectedConference");
PlayFile ("Failure");
end if;
end if;
end entry;
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