проблема с очередью

От: Михаил Платонов <CGatePro_at_mx_ru>
Дата: Mon 05 Mar 2007 - 19:34:52 MSK

 С недавних пор начались проблемы: периодически не можем вытащить  звонок из очереди и срываются исходящие звонки.  В логах следующее:

18:03:57.688 2 PBXLEG-326892 enqueued
18:03:57.688 2 PBXLEG-326892 'passivequeue' created for pbx@domain.ru
18:03:57.688 4 PBXLEG-326892 INVITE request received
18:03:57.688 2 PBXLEG-326892 dialog started with stp3@, refresh=3600(active)(canTransfer)
18:03:57.689 2 PBXLEG-326892 peer authenticated as 'stp3@domain.ru'
18:03:57.689 4 PBXLEG-326892 remote SDP set: peer
18:03:57.689 4 PBXLEG-326892 signalling completed(init)
18:03:57.689 2 PBXLEG-326892 started(Main)
18:03:57.689 2 MEDIA-003429 created(444463F9) for PBXLEG-326892, audio port []:60060
18:03:57.689 4 PBXLEG-326892 session timer refreshed
18:03:57.689 4 PBXLEG-326892 local SDP: local media
18:03:57.689 2 PBXLEG-326892 accepting started
18:03:57.711 4 PBXLEG-326892 INVITE response ACK'ed
18:03:57.711 4 PBXLEG-326892 signalling completed
18:03:57.711 2 PBXLEG-326892 Queue(stp): find
18:03:57.742 4 PBXLEG-326892 playing WaitingInQueue_stp(389244 bytes)
18:03:59.507 4 PBXLEG-326892 playing 5(112764 bytes)
18:04:00.111 4 PBXLEG-326892 waiting for input (10 sec)
18:04:00.214 4 PBXLEG-326892 INFO request received
18:04:00.214 4 PBXLEG-326892 DTMF: *
18:04:00.214 4 PBXLEG-326892 playing ConnectingNow_stp(335996 bytes)
18:04:01.982 2 PBXLEG-326892 Queue(stp): head
18:04:02.088 2 PBXLEG-326892 starting bridge
18:04:02.164 1 PBXLEG-326892 bridge-start rejected by Peer. Error Code=Request Rejected
18:04:02.164 1 PBXLEG-326892 bridge response error: Error Code=Request Rejected
18:04:02.164 4 PBXLEG-326892 playing Failure(110318 bytes)
18:04:04.401 2 PBXLEG-326892 Queue(stp): find
18:04:04.432 4 PBXLEG-326892 playing WaitingInQueue_stp(389244 bytes)
18:04:06.442 4 PBXLEG-326892 playing 4(144508 bytes)
18:04:07.219 4 PBXLEG-326892 waiting for input (10 sec)
18:04:07.570 4 PBXLEG-326892 BYE request received
18:04:07.570 2 PBXLEG-326892 peer disconnected
18:04:07.570 4 PBXLEG-326892 Event([disconnect]) enqueued
18:04:07.570 4 PBXLEG-326892 Event([disconnect]) from 000000
18:04:07.570 2 PBXLEG-326892 program stopped
18:04:07.570 2 PBXLEG-326892 finishing
18:04:07.773 2 PBXLEG-326892 dequeued
18:04:07.773 4 PBXLEG-326892 closing

или же

19:01:48.482 2 PBXLEG-332602 enqueued
19:01:48.482 2 PBXLEG-332602 &#39;gatewaycaller&#39; created for pbx@domain.ru
19:01:48.482 5 PBXLEG-332602 REQUEST posted
19:01:48.484 4 PBXLEG-332602 INVITE request received
19:01:48.484 2 PBXLEG-332602 dialog started with 1234@domain.ru (sip:1234@, refresh=1800(passive)(canUpdate)(canTransfer)
19:01:48.484 2 PBXLEG-332602 peer authenticated as &#39;1234@domain.ru&#39;
19:01:48.484 4 PBXLEG-332602 remote SDP set: peer
19:01:48.484 5 PBXLEG-332602 leg state=8
19:01:48.484 4 PBXLEG-332602 signalling completed(init)
19:01:48.484 5 PBXLEG-332602 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:48.484 2 PBXLEG-332602 started(Main)
19:01:48.484 2 PBXLEG-332602 ProgramLog: "calling &#39;89066439281&#39;..."
19:01:48.484 2 PBXLEG-332602 ProgramLog: "callerLeg:{\"\"=\"sip:89066439281@gway1.sipgw\";Call-ID=CALL_ID416_0015E9EF1708_T415373273@sip:1234@;From=\"sip:1234@domain.ru\";Max-Forwards=#69;activeSide=YES;callBridged=YES;impersonate=1234@domain.ru;}"
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332604 enqueued
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332602 spawning PBXLEG-332604
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332604 spawned by PBXLEG-332602
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 ProgramStart posted
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 EVENT posted queued
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332602 Event(call) to 332604
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 EVENT posted queued
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332602 starting bridge
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332602 pbx state=8(starting bridge)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332602 timeout set for 600 secs
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 signalling completed(init)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332604 started(bridgeCaller)
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 waiting for input (10 sec)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=5(waiting for an event)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 timeout set for 10 secs
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 Event(call) enqueued
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 timeout cleared
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 Event(call) from 332602
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332604 impersonated as &#39;1234@domain.ru&#39;(1234@domain.ru)
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 waiting for input (10 sec)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=5(waiting for an event)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 timeout set for 10 secs
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 Event([bridgeStart]) enqueued
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 timeout cleared
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 Event([bridgeStart]) from 332602
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 remote SDP set: bridged
19:01:48.485 2 PBXLEG-332604 calling sip:89066439281@gway1.sipgw
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 local SDP: bridged
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 SIGNAL-006464 sending INVITE sip:89066439281@gway1.sipgw
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 leg state=5
19:01:48.485 4 PBXLEG-332604 waiting for input (3600 sec)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=5(waiting for an event)
19:01:48.485 5 PBXLEG-332604 timeout set for 3600 secs
19:01:48.772 5 PBXLEG-332604 FINAL posted
19:01:48.772 4 PBXLEG-332604 got final 401-INVITE
19:01:48.772 5 PBXLEG-332604 timeout cleared
19:01:48.772 5 PBXLEG-332604 leg state=16
19:01:48.772 5 PBXLEG-332604 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:48.772 4 PBXLEG-332604 Event([asyncCallFinal]) from 000000
19:01:48.772 2 PBXLEG-332604 bridge-start rejected
19:01:48.773 5 PBXLEG-332602 EVENT posted
19:01:48.773 2 PBXLEG-332604 program stopped
19:01:48.773 2 PBXLEG-332604 finishing
19:01:48.773 2 PBXLEG-332604 dequeued
19:01:48.773 4 PBXLEG-332604 closing
19:01:48.773 1 PBXLEG-332602 bridge-start rejected by Peer. Error Code=401-AUTH error: stale nonce
19:01:48.773 1 PBXLEG-332602 bridge response error: Error Code=Request Rejected
19:01:48.773 5 PBXLEG-332602 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:48.773 5 PBXLEG-332602 timeout cleared
19:01:48.773 2 PBXLEG-332602 ProgramLog: "call failed: errorCode=401-AUTH error: stale nonce"
19:01:49.024 4 PBXLEG-332602 session timer refreshed
19:01:49.024 5 PBXLEG-332602 leg state=16
19:01:49.024 2 PBXLEG-332602 rejecting done
19:01:49.024 5 PBXLEG-332602 pbx state=1(running)
19:01:49.024 2 PBXLEG-332602 program stopped
19:01:49.024 2 PBXLEG-332602 finishing
19:01:49.024 2 PBXLEG-332602 dequeued
19:01:49.024 4 PBXLEG-332602 closing

Более ничего не говорит. Версия CGP 5.1.7. Никто не встречался ни с чем подобным?

С уважением,
 Михаил Платонов, mailto:pmv@sinstelecom.net
Получено Mon Mar 05 16:34:55 2007

Этот архив был сгенерирован hypermail 2.1.8 : Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 16:15:30 MSK