SQUID+LDAP (ну подскажите же кто нибудь ведь тема подобная была уже в 2004г)

От: Golota S.V. <CGatePro_at_mx_ru>
Дата: Fri 01 Sep 2006 - 07:10:54 MSD

Ваша правда SQUID хитрый называется он MNF2 (от Mandriva) в нем заложена возможность авторизаци через LDAP в help-e всего ничего написано:


  LDAP Options

    In order to use LDAP, you need to set basic parameters such as the     ones which follow.

*base: (ex: ou=people_dc=mdk)* First, set the object attribute to the
category needed, such as "people" or "department". Next, set the dc object variable to your domain name, such as "mandriva". The other dc object variable should be set to your country, such as "us" for USA. Please note that the web interface will not allow you to enter commas as you should in the squid configuration file, so we're using underscores "_" instead. This will be converted to the required commas "," in the real configuration file.
*LDAP Server IP[:port]* Finally, type in the LDAP server IP (i.e.: or its name (i.e.: ldap.mesd.k12.or.us). You can also add a port entry: Make sure you have also added a firewall rule to open the ldap server port (in this case 389) in order to be able to connect to the ldap server from the firewall.

Насчет писать просто username или "cn=domain.com"я дагадался но ошибка таже а так хочется юзеров авторизовать.

Golota S.V.
JSC "Turgai-Petroleum"
Tel:+7 3242 261227 
Tel:+7 3242 261610
Получено Fri Sep 01 03:11:22 2006

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