Re: Non-root usage

От: Peter Didenko <CGatePro_at_mx_ru>
Дата: Wed 03 Mar 2004 - 17:32:03 MSK

> Кто-нибудь может поделиться опытом запуска CGP не из-под root?

    Может быть Вам будет достаточно этого?

    Command Line Options


    This option can be specified on Unix platforms only (this does not include Linux). It tells the Server to drop the root privilege permanently. The server drops the privilege aproximately 60 seconds after the end of its kernel initiatialization process, so all listenening sockets can be opened when the server is still running as the root. The root privilege cannot be restored later. See the Server Root Privilege section for more details.

 Петр Диденко
Получено Wed Mar 03 14:32:05 2004

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