Re: Re: Стабильность 3.5.6

От: Vladimir A. Butenko <vladimir_butenko_at_mx_ru>
Дата: Thu 28 Feb 2002 - 02:17:04 MSK

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:22:37 +0300 (MSK)   "Andrew A. Vasilyev" <> wrote:

> А UTF в autoanswer/vacation/reply? А ...!!!

Я не совсем понял.

Глава Transfer->Rules:

An empty line should separate the message body from the additional header fields:

Reply with +Reply-To: Subject: your message about ^S

Dear ^F!

We got your message ^I on ^T. It will be processed shortly and you will be contacted within 1-2 days.

Human Resources.

If the specified text starts with the [charsetName] string, the text is converted to the specified charset (all non-ASCII texts are stored in the UTF-8 charset).

If the text does not start with the '+' sign, the header fields

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=charsetName are added to the message headers.

If the text starts with the '+' sign, the '+' sign must be specified after the [charsetName] string, and you should specify the MIME-Version and Content-type fields yourself.

Это там еще с 3.5

Vladimir Получено Wed Feb 27 23:18:46 2002

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